E c o-c o m m u n i t y C o n c e p t
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First of all, and most important, is autosustainability for the inhabitants and to make it a safe and sacred home. Therefore, we are building a multifunction octagonal house base with water tube crystal pyramid technology for energizing water to improve the production of food. Inside and outside of the structure we will create a system for producing food with the aquaponics technology; a convenience of symbiosis with fish, vegetables, fruits and plants. We will create enough food to sustain our whole community while also producing abundance for others.
We estimate that the aquaponics system will generate more than five tons of fish every three months. The first model will house 50 to 70 persons. After the first six month period for papaya (and yuca) and 8 month for bananas it will generate production of two tons each per fruit and every month just in the surroundings of the building. That also includes permanent production of all types of vegetables and spices for the kitchen. The oversupply of food that is expected to be produced will allow us to trade with other surrounding communities. We will be dehydrating, canning, and preserving foods to share with all. This is based on having one channel for the aquaponics. Of course, if you have a second channel, the production is doubled.
We are going to make energetic buildings with natural environmental-friendly construction techniques using the most natural raw materials based on location. All of which will create a natural barrier and diversion for natural forestry protection, river waste dumping, noise and air pollution, while at the same time creating valuable employment opportunities locally which can only promote longevity, general well-being, environmental, spiritual awakening and awareness.
The conference center is going to be big enough for 200 visitors.
The New Octagonal Pyramid Center
The design of the New Center of Consciousness has been inspired from an ancient Egyptian concept of sacred geometry as found in fruit that grows here in the San Martin District of Peru.
This Center will be a hub of life for the community and the village, also an education center. Our natural doctors will be on hand to use reverse-engineered technology devices.
Spiritual awareness and education wil be nurtured through ancient techniques, spiritual plants and science.
The whole building creates a vortex amplified by a pyramid tube crystal water system for energizing the vacinity. This has a positive influence on the health and consciousness of the people as well as for the permaculture.
This octagonal building, based on sacred geometry and pyramidal energy, is made from recycled materials and is easy to build, using local ecological materials. The Center and self-sustainable abundance system is also easily replicable in the Amazon, and even in other regions of the planet. Our center is 29 meters in diameter and four floors with 44 rooms available as livingspace.
It is important to note that the climate and soil quality in this area of Peru is very good for the production of all kinds of vegetation. There are two seasons which are both equally suitable for the production of food all year round, as the temperature range is very consistent (the average daily temperature is 28 ° C with a variation of 18 ° C to 34 ° C)
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