E c o-c o m m u n i t y C o n c e p t

Vision and objectives of the project...................................................................................................................................2
Objective 1: Build a multifunctional Aquaponic Organic Food Production Center and Wellness Clinic, Educational and Conference center with houses around for community members. .....................................2
Objective 2: Implement a medical center of holistic medicine for health and healing...................................4
Objective 3: Implement an education system to teach both ancient and
new earth friendly technologies.........................................................................................................................................5
Objective 4: Implement permaculture bio dynamic principles for optimal
resource use and recycling...................................................................................................................................................6
Objective 5: Implement Research and development ..................................................................................................7
Focus of the project.................................................................................................................................................................7
Action plan.................................................................................................................................................................................7
Impact and Beneficiaries......................................................................................................................................................8
Project Cost................................................................................................................................................................................8
Project team and Internal Organization.........................................................................................................................8

Amazon Atlantis the bridge between the Amazon river and the Atlantic ocean.
Conection between ancient knowledge of Atlantis and the new lifestyle in harmony with nature in the Amazones.
We believe that today's society does not promote freedom, health and happiness in humans nor the development of spirituality in the sense of increased awareness. We believe that a society based on money is no longer needed and alternatives are possible. We think it is necessary to live in harmony with nature and also see the need to learn and spread new technologies that protect the environment and allow us to develop as free and conscious humans.
We propose as a first step to create our own self-sustaining community which serves as an example, as a pilot, or even as an incubator, for those who are ready to reproduce it in different parts of the world.
Currently we have an area of 2 hectares where we can build our community, located just outside the city of Tarapoto, Peru with electricity and water.
This project in Peru is to build the first totally self-sustainable village and at the same time provide a model for other people willing to live in a conscious community in harmony with the natural environment. By doing so the aim is to spread our ideas and concepts far and wide by open sourcing our knowledge in technology, construction, medicine and free energy so that other communities can prosper and enhance their living standards. This model will be also available for villagers to provide them enough food so there will be no necessity cutting down trees to make huge plantations to earn money and killing animals in the jungle. The working model will show them how it works and how to do it. By doing this we are going to help groups of jungle protectors and local natives to prevent deforestation and create reforestation in the Amazon region and other parts of the rain forest. This hub will be created in areas that need help to set up their self-sustainable communities and homes.
An octagonal building with an aquaponics system allows us to produce fish and vegetables for the community, and also a surplus that would serve us in exchange for other products or other needs that cannot be produced within the community. It will be surrounded by support buildings for living and family housing much alike the current village life style, with earth friendly technologies. This way a space will be created for learning various skills to make life much easier and happier. We will create space for health and healing, which would put into practice various techniques and treatments using a range of the shamanic skills of the region and to use and combine old and new technologies.
Expected results for what we want to accomplish:
For all the changing processes that are happening right now on this planet, we want to be facilitators of positive changes in humanity within all areas in which we can make a difference. We believe that with this project we are bringing and providing the possibility of creating a new world in which health, education and nutrition for humanity is not dependent on monetary interests but rather a process of harmonization and balance that is much more aligned with nature. This allows individuals to explore and connect with their inner and outer world, ultimately leading to complete freedom as was intended for all in the first place. The goal of this project is to build a system which works without any external energy input except water, gravity, sun and human focus. We as a human race are going through a huge transformation process and we need to facilitate that for us and for the many that are in need. This project facilitates transforming processes and indeed creates hope for many people expecting a community like this to happen. There are many that are looking for the way how to do it. We offer this open source solution to many. All we need is to start somewhere and somehow. Now we are creating and developing something that never happened before in our known history of humanity. To quote Hal Lindsey : “Man can live about forty days without food, about three days without water, about eight minutes without air...but only for one second without hope.”
We have been evolving this idea since before we arrived in this region.
This project idea started at the beginning of 2014, with a group of people assembled here in Peru on a mission to clean the jungle and its rivers and show the people new and ancient friendly technologies.
Deliberating and evolving the idea of doing that, we also wanted to address the following items:
it is necessary to live in harmony with nature.
today's society does not promote freedom, health and happiness in humans nor the development of spirituality in the sense of increased awareness.
a society based on money is no longer needed and alternatives are possible.
So we defined the necessity to learn and spread new technologies that protect the environment and allow people to develop as free and conscious humans. We propose to create a self-sustaining community which serves as an example, as a pilot, or even as an incubator, for those who are ready to reproduce it in different parts of the world. The center and self - sustainable abundance system is replicable anywhere on the planet. That makes it a really easy solution to eliminate poverty in any region while providing the tools for all to live in freedom and health.
We envision: a replicable pilot project and of a totally self -sustainable community of consciousness, to teach and promote natural techniques for living in harmony with nature, including food production by aquaponics, housing by ancient sacred geometry and natural local easy replicable and understandable construction techniques for optimum health, holistic medicine, free energy production, permaculture and biodynamic principles for recycling and optimum resource use.
Understanding basic principles of need for human beings:
Food and shelter
We envision: a replicable pilot project and of a totally self -sustainable community of consciousness, to teach and promote natural techniques for living in harmony with nature, including food production by aquaponics, housing by ancient sacred geometry and natural local easy replicable and understandable construction techniques for optimum health, holistic medicine, free energy production, permaculture and biodynamic principles for recycling and optimum resource use.
Understanding basic principles of need for human beings:
Food and shelter
Medicine and healthcare
Education and knowledge
Recycling, Permaculture and Bio dynamics
Research and Development
This vision comes down to five specific objectives:
Build a multifunctional aquaponic organic food Production Center and Wellness Clinic, Educational and Conference center with houses around for community members.
Implement a medical center of holistic medicine for health and healing
Implement an education system to teach both ancient and new earth friendly technologies, art, sciences and spirituality.
Implement permaculture bio dynamic principles for optimal resource use and free energy production to cover all energy demand of the community
Implement R&D system to increase the awareness in new technologies, friendly methods, humanitarian purposes, way of living and more. Including historical and spiritual revelations
Each objective is specified in the following section and activities to reach the objectives are detailed.
Build a multifunctional aquaponic organic food production center and wellness clinic, educational and conference center with houses around for community members.
This objective refers to the construction phase of the project. The 3D drawings and architecture map shows the exact picture.
First of all and most important is providing food and shelter for the inhabitants and to make it a safe and sacred home. Therefore we are building a multifunctional octagonal house based on water tube crystal pyramid technology that creates a vortex and energizing water for better fish and food production inside and outside of the structure. We will create a system for producing food with the technology of an aquaponics based system and on the idea of symbiosis of fish, vegetables, fruits and plants. Our idea is to create enough food to sustain our whole community and also to produce additional supplies as overproduction for other communities. We estimate that the aquaponics system inside and outside of the building will generate more than 5 tons of fish every 3 months. This is enough food for more than 200 people. We are expecting to live in this first basic model with 50 to 70 persons.
After a 6 month period for papaya and 8 month for bananas we will generate production of 2 tons of fruit every month just in the surroundings of the building. That also includes permanent production of all types of vegetables and spices for the kitchen. (In a second surrounding channel production of fish and food is more than doubled. Required area is 2 hectares.) The oversupply of food that is expected to be produced will allow us to trade with other surrounding communities which will lead to more independence and allow us to support all the activities that we are going to do in the community and also other projects and people where needed.
We are going to make energetic buildings with natural environmental friendly construction techniques using the most natural raw materials based on location, which will create a natural barrier and diversion for natural forestry protection, river waste dumping and noise and air pollution, while at the same time creating valuable employment opportunities locally which can only promote longevity and general well-being and environmental, spiritual awakening and awareness.
The New Octagonal Pyramid Center
The New Center of Consciousness has been designed from the ancient Egyptian concept of sacred geometry and found in the natural geometry of the fruits that exist here in the San Martin District of Peru. This Center will be a hub of life for the community and the village education center. Plus, our top natural doctors will be on hand to use back-worked space technology zappers, pulsars and laser instruments which have healing modalities. Spiritual awareness and education can be provided through ancient techniques and spiritual plants as well as science. The whole building creates a vortex amplified by pyramid tube crystal water system for energizing the environment inside and outside of the building, having a positive influence on the health and consciousness of the people as well as the permaculture.
This octagonal building based on sacred geometry and pyramid energy is made from wood and is easy to build in a short time using local ecological materials and local building technology. The center and self - sustainable abundance system is also easy replicable in whole areas and villages down by rivers of the Amazon even in other regions of the planet. Our center is going to have 29 X 29 meters and 4 floors with 44 rooms available for laboratories and living. (Isn’t it a really easy solution for reducing poverty in certain regions in Africa?) The center will be surrounded by small housing with easy upgrade of an expending rooms system. With this concept we can also expand production by building more channels surrounding the center for more fish and food production. In the same time the habitable area expands for more available housing. The conference center is going to be big enough for 200 persons for communal meetings and special conferences and workshops.
It is important to note that the climate and land quality in this area of Peru is very good for the production of all kinds of vegetation. There are two seasons which are both equally suitable for the production of food all year round, as the temperature range is very consistent (the average daily temperature is 28 ° C with a range is between 18 ° C to 34 ° C)
The activities to realize this objective are:
Build the octagonal center and water tube crystal pyramid
Build water channel for fish production and inside and outside aquaponics system
Build the housing around for community members
Implement a medical center of holistic medicine for health and healing
Qualified natural practitioners studio’s promoting a blend of nature’s home grown medicines/oils and new breakthrough health technologies.
We take a holistic approach when it comes to health and healing, by using a variety of treatments and modalities. The building itself is already providing a level of support that is nurturing bodies through the use of sacred geometry and crystals. For that reason people walking in the building will be barefoot for better connection with mother earth to stay grounded. As a result the frequencies created are life sustaining, and provide an environment where preventative health is the aim. For others coming into our dedicated healing center requiring more immediate attention we aim to use the latest practices available to treat and heal in the most appropriate way. We also intend to use medicinal plants, such as Ayahuasca, as an ancient way of healing. Many practices such as Yoga, Chi-kung and Meditation will be available in the community. We want to use what is best in traditional medicine and ancient healing techniques in combination with the latest available technologies. We are also going to provide and produce colloidal silver which is the best natural antibiotic and expecting monoatomic gold to come on the board.
The activities to realize this objective are:
Make plant medicine center and small bungalows for diet.
Make laboratory for colloidal silver, monoatomic gold and for extracts of medicinal plants.
Make a clinic for liver and kidney flashes, MMS, and body cleaning.
Massage room with pyramid and light mandala and ambulance for using equipment for healing.
Yoga and Tai-Chi classes and other physical and spiritual activities that promote health.
Implement an education system to teach ancient and new earth friendly technologies, art, sciences and spirituality
“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” Xun Kuang, a Chinese philosopher 312-230 B.C.
Everybody in the center is to become a specialist in their field. Because of the complexity of knowledge in the current system everybody needs to be a student and a teacher at the same time. It is a requirement to exchange knowledge among the people, not only in one particular community, but all models of communities and specialists around the planet.
For this reason we are creating a new social network that is already in use and available as well with 3D modelling islands for visiting other communities in the virtual world. Using this system we can spread knowledge and ideas faster globally, applied to real life situations. We will provide the space for new interests in particular areas showing examples for locals interested in new technologies and interconnecting specialists all around the world to exchange new ideas and knowledge.
Promotion of arts, crafts, music and spirituality inviting the imagination into our beings of natural creativity, also expanding imagination which is a source of whole knowledge. We want to make this center through our current contact with our professionals, experts, advisors and also people interested in education to improve themselves and humanity. In the same time to help us to create this first pilot.
That’s why for our community we have established the following areas of learning, which are as follows:
Pyramid and crystal technologies institute (PACTI)
Tesla institute (TI)
Ralph Ring and Otis Carr institute (RRAOCI)
Shamanic empowerment Institute (SEI)
Sacred geometry institute (SGI)
Human design (HD)
3D Printer manufactory institute (3DPMI)
Aquaponics and permaculture (AAP)
Light Mandala laser healing (LMLH)
Ancient spiritual and body remote techniques (ASABRT)
Food as medicine (FAM)
Water technologies institute (WTI)
Institute of arts (IOA)
Institute of making projects or dragon dreaming (IOMPODD)
Genetic emotions and human body (GEAHB)
Telepathy, telekinesis new languages (TTNL)
Free energy institute (FEI)
Matrix mathematic model and fractal system
Quantum physics and torsion energy
(A description of each educational institute is on our web page)
The activities to realize this objective are:
Bring specialists to the community to teach, learn and build some working examples of free energy, spirituality, medicine etc.
Provide some spiritual and practical body, alimentation, dieting, plant and other techniques to raise consciousness, awareness and various methods and practices to activate and open pineal gland.
Create internet web social network (program is done and already available) and multifunction library of videos, virtual books, publications, documents and text database for this interest.
For publicity we will be using already existing social network models to have as much impact as possible.
3D open source community model (already available) allows everybody to create his own 3D model work space and enter into associated partners, friends and communities as a 3D Avatar in working space blocs.
The connections and interactions will provide sharing experiences and wisdom.
The education process will start with building construction and also will be documented by video.
That includes a documentary movie for promoting the project worldwide.
Process will be complete and fully active after finishing building center.
We have already available specialists in technology, medicine, spirituality, teaching plants, agriculture, and our advisors are in team all around the world even now here in Peru and Tarapoto.
Implement permaculture and biodynamic principles for optimal resource use
Clean and natural hot and cold water supplies.
Total self-sustainability in composting techniques and waste recycling use. For this we want to use technologies like EM for cleaning the water and fertilizing the soil, also bokashi mix and biochar for processing the compost and cultivation. Using the organic waste for making the biogas for cooking. Providing biodynamics in common with other forms of organic agriculture. This uses management practices that are intended to "restore, maintain and enhance ecological harmony." Central features include crop diversification, the avoidance of chemical soil treatments and off-farm inputs generally, decentralized production and distribution, and the consideration of celestial and terrestrial influences on biological organisms which also helps to understand the natural cycle and our position in it. That ancient wisdom is still vivid and well known by local people in present time here in South America.
What more?
All the people of the community are going to be involved in this process, helping with the activities that are necessary to make it happen. For this we are going to make a schedule in which the people have to work on these at least 4 hours a week, so all the activities will be accomplished.
The activities to realize this objective are:
1.Preparing the compost with activation of EM
Make the bokashi mix, biochar and biogas
Make the nursery for the vegetables, fruits, species and medicinal plants
Preparing selection bins for organic and non-organic materials.
Implement R&D system to increase the awareness of new technologies, friendly methods, humanitarian purposes, way of living and more. Including historical and spiritual revelations.
Everything available in new technologies, friendly methods, humanitarian purposes, way of living and more includes historical and inner spiritual revelations. Every specialized person can go deep into their area of interest generating new extraordinary discoveries that will be sharing with others. That creates new unpredictable possibilities in knowledge and wisdom that will also come from deeper spiritual research and universal knowledge. For this area (and for all the other ones) the community could use all the equipment and tools that are available in the center and also are going to be open to the possibility of receiving new technologies that can help this activity.
Focus of the project
Our project is based on a new paradigm or better to say “no paradigm” just using the ideas of a new community life. Take the concept of the new free advanced technologies combined with ancient ones and living again together with nature. Our aim is to put into reality a functioning self-sustainable concept and then leading by example like a pilot for villages by the rivers of the Amazon. At the same time we want to approach this community with the concept of contribution and living in abundance. We aim to provide the locals with enough food so that they do not need to cut down the trees and kill animals in the jungle in order to maintain their food production and bring higher consciousness and a new practical approach in their way of life.
Amazon Atlantis is a self-sustainable and abundant community vision of the future of human discovery and knowledge, expressing its aspirations and ideals for humankind. The concept of our community depicts the creation of a life on the land where "generosity and enlightenment, dignity and splendor, freedom and public spirit" are the commonly held qualities of the habitants of the community. The community life style also envisions the modern research and universal knowledge in both applied and pure sciences.
In terms of spirituality we are going to use it as a tool to search for a deeper understanding of what the energy of love means, as well as beauty, happiness and wisdom. Using new working technologies and spirituality in the meaning of the word itself could be as a journey into unlimited consciousness without borders.
The implementation phase of the project will be 2 years, the time planning in trimesters for the execution of all activities lined out above, is pictured in the table below.
Objective 1: Build a multifunctional Aquaponic Organic Food Production Centre and Wellness Clinic, Educational and Conference center with houses around for community members.

Objective 2: Implement a medical center of holistic medicine for health and healing

Objective 3: Implement an education system to teach on both ancient and new earth friendly technologies, art, sciences and spirituality

Objective 4: Implement permaculture principles for optimal resource use.

Impact and Beneficiaries

Let a new earth rise. Let another world be
born. Let a bloody peace be
written in the sky. Let a second
generation full of courage
issue forth; let a people
loving freedom come to growth.
(Margaret Walker)
This project will have a great impact in general for all the changing processes that are happening right now on this planet, in humanity, for the society and natural habitat. Firstly in Tarapoto and the Amazon region the project will send its fruits, also on the global level we already established a network to promote replicas of the project in other countries and continents. So project beneficiaries are various:
Community members, who live at the center permanently and share all tasks and responsibilities to make the project work, 50 or 70 persons max.
Users of health services (Community hubs depending on current capacities)
Users of education and knowledge (Everybody living in community)
Random researchers depending on capacities. (Using internet and peer to peer sharing)
Users of the production of food (People living in the community, supposing oversupply is approximately for 200 persons monthly.)
All world population will generate less environmental pollution in daily life, we will help other people to do the same, and we will work on elevating the vibration of humanity.
With this project we are providing the possibility of creating a new world in which health, education and nutrition for humanity is not dependent on monetary interests but rather a process of harmonization and balance that is much more aligned with nature. This allows individuals to explore and connect with their inner and outer world, ultimately leading to complete freedom as was intended for all in the first place.
Project team and Internal Organization.
To be able to share clear expectations and clear definition of tasks and responsibilities within all parties involved we decided to structure our internal organization the following way:
Marco Lancaric. Slovakia. Founder of Amazon Atlantis Project, designer of Pyramid Center building, with an open natural aquaponics system, with water energizing crystals and self sustainable model designer. In charge of center building and educational system organization. Jungle ambassador medicinal plants advisor. 3 yers lived in Peru. Education in physics, computers, film production, economy. Writer, Movie director. Way shower…
Languages English, Spanish, Slovak, Czech, Polish, Russian
Marco Pyro Lancaric.

Maite Jainko

Maite Jainko - Co-funder and ambassador of Amazon Atlantis Project. Also Funder of Q`YAY - Designer of a concept of sustainable housing and and support for indigenous people.
Artist of Neo-Shamanic art and Neo-Shamanic singing therapies..
Maite Jainko carries beautiful energy with her connecting to the spirit world and beyond. Her songs are other worldly inspired by her spirit connections. She speaks five languages fluently (Spanish, English, Dutch, German and French) and is a loving, spiritual and people-focused soul

Gonzalo Navarro Gomez
Gonzalo Navarro Gomez, Forest Engineer,
Studied at Universidad Nacional Agraria de La Selva Tingo Maria. Currently working as environmental engineer in the region of San Martin and many other regions in Peru.
Specialist in medicinal plants.
India Irie.

USA. Radio and communications. Spiritual advisor. Starseed ambassador
Founder of ExpandingU & ExpandingU Media, lifecoach, Minister of Spirituality
Languages English, Spanish
Kevin Menear.

Kevin Menear is an Engineer and a Yogi. His experiences range from working at NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratories and GE Aviation, to guiding large groups in meditation and teaching mindfulness at his local public library. After receiving his Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Kevin moved to South Florida and began studying Raja Yoga with the Brahma Kumaris spiritual organization. Kevin is currently teaching math and science to both at-risk and gifted children in the South Florida region, where he combines his technical experience with his yoga practice to actively engage every student. With his dedication to co-creating a sustainable world, strong academic and technical background, and passion for humanity, Kevin is excited to help the team achieve success.
María Soledad Rodríguez. Argentina. Psychologist. Communications coordinator
Languages English, Spanish, Italian
Maria Soledad Rodriguez.

Australia. Medical coordinador. IT- specialist
Languages English, Italian
Mario Pisano.

Germany. Art designer and Painter, icaros singer
Marie Gold.

Cary Kirastar Ellis.

FOUNDER, VIRTUAL EARTH VILLAGE AUTHOR 21st Century Superhuman, Quantum Lifestyle, Cary has introduced transformation into mainstream culture for decades, restoring a sense of personal value in the human potentials movement and in corporate team building and consulting, assisting thousands in breakthrough workshops. She operated the extremely successful midwestern US center that put Tony Robbins on stage with Firewalking and Fear into Power in the 1980s, achieving national recognition. Miraculous healing of her own broken arm in 6 hours led her into pioneering in alternative health systems, including co-directing Hippocrates Health Institute and as Educator with Gerson Cancer Therapy Institute.
Kami Be.

Kami is a lifelong Intuitive, Science of Spirit Student & Teacher, Wellness Coach and Vibrational
Alignment Specialist. She is a leading edge of consciousness and New Earth Way shower, gifted at bridging the gap and assisting others with shifting into higher frequencies to more fully align with their true power, clarity and purpose. She also assists with global humanitarian projects and hosts the Bridge to Paradise radio show on ExpandingU Radio.
Peruvian - Investigator of free energy and crystal technology, networking for South America.
Sergio is also an experienced astral traveller, using Ayahuasca as his main vehicule in these trips.
Sergio Cohaguila Gacia.

Peruvian - Computer Network engineer
Marvin Devila Flores.

Peruvian - law advisor and musician
Percy is a phenomenal guitar player and his music makes you travel high !
Percy Alexander.